Our team is comprised of experts from diverse though closely integrated technical fields and multidisciplinary academic backgrounds. On a personal level, we are a group of heterodox and open-minded thinkers who enjoy dreaming big, but without abandoning the use of reason. This allows us to be aware of what is viable and what is not, and at the same time strive to radically transform infrastructure development through breaking the boundaries of urban design, architecture, engineering and lighting design.
The structural aspects of our empirical work and research explorations are grounded in precise measurements and calculations, while the design features combine a range of colors, shadows, shapes, materials, with wide brush strokes, pencil drawings and the use of technical software. The glue that binds us together is originality in our creative pursuits, functionality, purposefulness and a deep desire to make a significant and positive impact on peoples lives.
Project: Moritz Brewery, Barcelona
Interior Design: External Reference, Carmelo Zappulla
Lighting Design: Infrencia